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Human motion modeling and simulation for digital twin using wobbling mass model

In reality, the human body is composed of a complex structure comprising bones, joints, tendons, and soft tissues or muscles. The rigid body approach is not sufficient to represent dynamic human motion, especially since the effect of soft tissue is significant for some motion scenarios, e.g., walking on an inclined surface or impact contact. This work aims to develop human motion modeling using the wobble mass model concept based on experimentally measured data using IMU sensors. The simulation will be implemented using the Unity3D engine.


Ansprechpartner: Tadele Belay Tuli, M.Sc.
Telefon: +49 271 740 - 2266
E-Mail: tadele-belay.tuli@uni-siegen.de

Human motion modeling and simulation for digital twin using wobbling mass model

In reality, the human body is composed of a complex structure comprising bones, joints, tendons, and soft tissues or muscles. The rigid body approach is not sufficient to represent dynamic human motion, especially since the effect of soft tissue is significant for some motion scenarios, e.g., walking on an inclined surface or impact contact. This work aims to develop human motion modeling using the wobble mass model concept based on experimentally measured data using IMU sensors. The simulation will be implemented using the Unity3D engine.


Ansprechpartner: Tadele Belay Tuli, M.Sc.
Telefon: +49 271 740 - 2266
E-Mail: tadele-belay.tuli@uni-siegen.de
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